Episode 13: Game of the Year 2020

2020 has been a terrible year, but there were some video games and some of them were even good! This week, Max and Jordan are using their 100% correct formula to pick the best game of 2020. All takes and comments in this episode are original and we definitely didn't record a GOTY once and then lose the audio and have to do it again. That simply didn't happen and we definitely don't talk about it in the episode!

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Episode 12: Banjo-Kazooie

Guh-huh! This week, we talk about the delightful N64 classic, Banjo-Kazooie! Tune in to hear us talk about funny shark sounds and smells, silly villain music, potentially incorrect takes about a certain monkey rap (Just kidding! We are never incorrect), and, of course... collectos!!!

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Episode 11: Mario Kart 8

Choose your racer, pick your cart, and slap that bass! This week, we're talking about the funky, jazzy, and all around fantastic soundtrack of Mario Kart 8! We also drop some potentially hot takes about Super Smash Bros and some extremely cold takes about Sonic. I'll miss you again, uncle...

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Episode 10: Yakuza Karaoke

I'm such a mess... And boy, is my throat sore from staying up all night singing karaoke with my buds! Join Max, Jordan, and special guest Argyle as they choose the cream of the crop from throughout the entire Yakuza series of games! You'll laugh, you'll cry, and you'll sing your heart out as we cover the entire human range of emotion on this episode's musical crucible!

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Episode 9: Slappers Only Hallow-SCREAM Ghoul-tacular

Abandon Hope All Ye Who Enter Here. It's the Slappers Only Halloween episode! We've got six spine-tingling slappers for you, plus a coffin full of listener submissions. This episode will truly rattle your bones!

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Episode 8: Animal Crossing: New Horizons

Dodo Airlines Flight 08, now arriving at Slappers Island! Join us as we take control of time itself and decide once and for all what the single greatest hour in the day is. The tapestry of reality is laid bare before us as we peer into both the future and the past in a single moment. Also, Isabelle is here. She says hi!

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Episode 7: Celeste

This one's going up on InstaPix! This week, we're joined by friend of the show Sara to talk about one of the all-time greatest platformers: Celeste by Matt Makes Games! Celeste's amazing soundtrack is composed by Lena Raine (@kuraine on twitter) and contains some incredible music that we can't wait to talk about! Also, Sara shares her idea for a Celeste sequel and Jordan struggles with his Boneitis. #Yolo!

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Episode 6: Shovel Knight

Justice in Spades! Join us as we talk about the world's greatest NES game, Shovel Knight! In this episode, Max tries to explain how chiptune music works, Jordan clues us in on Themes and Motifs, and both of us gush about the funny little guys who comprise the Order of No Quarter! We promise you'll dig it!

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Episode 5: Bayonetta

Activate Witch Time and summon your magical hair demons, because this week we're talking about Bayonetta. This stylish and sexy Platinum brawler set a new standard for character action games and it also has a kick-ass soundtrack! This episode, Max and Jordan basically gush about Bayonetta and PlatinumGames for an hour and that's pretty much it. Avavago!

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Episode 4: Final Fantasy XV

Look, even though we have to take a break every five minutes to justify our love of this bad game, it doesn't mean it's a bad game! It only spent ten years in development hell, had multiple cancelled DLCs, had a rushed and convoluted latter third, had a flashy but ultimately pointless combat system, but... The food is pretty! And you can drift on a giant chicken! It's truly impossible to say whether it's good or bad, really.

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